Interview with UK Spartan Race Head Coach

muddy raceFollowing our [] Spartan Race Training Day review we caught up with Michael Cohen the UK Head Coach of Spartan to ask a few questions..

What is the philosophy of the training camp?

  • There are no limits or boundaries. Sometimes it takes stepping out of their comfort zone so that contenders can move beyond anything they have done before.
  • To teach contenders functional natural movements – climb, jump, throw, lift, carry, run, balance and crawl. It is these principal movement skills that will also develop their strength, power, flexibility, co-ordination and endurance skills. Continue reading

Message from Spartan Race UK Race Director, Dean Newman

Dean Newman Spartan Race UK Race Director

As Race Director my role is to design a course that will push runners out of their comfort zones, but at the same time making sure they’re in a safe environment, which is a very difficult task when you involve barbed wire, fire, ice and deep muddy water!
I have worked with head coach Michael in order to produce a training programme that will prepare you physically and mentally to complete a Spartan Race as fast as possible, but most of all as safe as possible.
Dean Newman, Spartan Race UK Race Director

Spartan Race Training camps are progressive from core skills to advanced skills culminating in race skills.

You will be trained and challenged with the appropriate skills to your your training camp:

  • Beginners – For those new to obstacle course challenges or new to Spartan Race.
  • Advanced – For Spartans, Seasoned and Die-hards where finishing is just not good enough. Who want you to achieve a PB and for others to be on the winning podium or at the top of your gender and/or age group.

All Spartan Race Training days will contain the three Spartan Training core elements, Spartan Race Fit…Spartan Race Safe…Spartan Race Ready.

“To uncover your true potential you must first find your own limits and then you have to have the courage to blow past them.” -Picabo Street

Spartan Race Fit You never know what Spartan Race may have you tackle! Be ready for it all! Spartan Race Fit! AROO! …find out more.
Spartan Race Safe
Be ready for the unknown and unknowable aspects of Spartan Race. Spartan Race Safe! AROO! …find out more.
Spartan Race Ready There’s nothing like watching the transformation of yourself from human to Spartan. Spartan Race Ready! AROO! …find out more.

Spartans it is time to train! Book your training camp NOW!